Leonardo Frasson

Personal Website

About me

Hello, I am Leonardo Frasson and I was born on September 28, 1999, in Bocaina - SP. I am a university student of Jahu Fatec Jahu and I am studying Internet Systems, class of 2018.

I always liked the area of technology, I liked it even more when I became a computer technician at Senac, so I chose the course ofS.I..

After graduating, I intend to do a postgraduate degree where I will still choose which programming language to specialize in.

In free time I like to play online games, go out with friends / family and do research related to our area ofinformation Technology.

SQL server
Leonardo Frasson

Fatec Jahu

The faculty

The Faculty of Technology of Jahu - FATEC-JAHU is a Public Institution of Higher Education that offers undergraduate courses for the training of Technologists, aiming at attending current and emerging segments of economic activity. It belongs to the State Center of Technological Education "Paula Souza", a state authority linked to theSecretary of State for Science, Technology and Economic Development.

Mission, vision and values

Mission: Promote the training of highly qualified citizens and professionals capable of developing society in all its aspects. Vision: Through teaching, research and extension, be recognized by scientific community and society in general, as a Technological Reference Center.
Values: Contribute to the training of citizens and professionals who have ethical awareness, competence, responsibility and social commitment.


Get to know Fatec!

Fatec Jahu

Location Fatec Jahu


My work in college



Site Audiotec Jau

Site Audiotec

The project is based on rebuilding a website...

The project is based on re-creating an existing site, being both an e-commerce and a blog. So my group and I chose the Audiotec site in the city of Jaú-SP.

Let's refer back to zero transforming their current site into an e-commerce, where today they only have physical stores and none virtual.

Visit the official website

Arquivo C++

Challenge C++

Inner challenge of...

Internal challenge of programming in C ++, where this exercise the user had to infuse a value in Reais and the program had to show the amount of banknotes of each value he would need.
Example: R $ 429,00, you will need 4 notes of R $ 100.00, 2 notes of R $ 10.00, 1 note of R $ 5.00 and 2 notes of R $ 2.00.

Exercise Download

Arquivo C++ 2º exercicio

Challenge C++ (2º exercise)

Second exercise of the...

Second exercise of internal challenge, where we had to code a word that the user typed. Follow the pictures as an example.

Exercise Download


Tio Fotinhas

Seminar held for the purpose ...

Seminar designed to put into practice the teachings learned during the days.

We created a fictional company called Tio Fotinhas, where at that time most of the group liked photos and through the name "Uncle Patinhas" we created Uncle Fotinhas.

Exercise Download
